With our philosophy geared towards low energy, bioclimatic & passivhaus construction and an emphasis on locally sourced materials, we can accompany you through all aspects of your new build project. From help with the conception of your ideas, advice on materials, translation of your ideas to plans, through to handing over the keys to your dream home.
All manner of bespoke outbuildings, extensions, hangars, car ports & wood stores regardless of size can be designed & constructed by our dedictaed team.
We further specialise in renovation and range of roofing (shingles, slates, tiles), external thermal insulation (ITE), timber decking & walkways.
We are an RGE certified company adhering to current best practices in all aspects of our work.

Eco construction bois mélèze et douglas local du Limousin RT 2012 près de Eymoutiers à 60kms de Limoges. Ambiance Bois est une entreprise RGE.

AMBIANCE BOIS EN LIMOUSIN, www.ambiance-bois.com, bardage mélèze raboté à claire voie, bois limousin, entreprise RGE, poseur velux, Eco artisan, eco-construction, toiture mélèze, bardeaux mélèze, tavaillon mélèze, couverture mélèze, bardeaux de toiture mélèze, essente mélèze, planchette mélèze, maison ossature bois, fabrication française, ossature douglas, isolation, laine de bois, ouate de cellulose, isolation intérieure, matériaux écologiques, lambris mélèze, parquet mélèze, lame de terrasse

Eco construction bois local et du Limousin en Mélèze et douglas Le Monde Allant vers...à Eymoutiers à 40km de Limoges hangar en mélèze et douglas des bois locaux du plateaux de Millevaches. ambiance bois est une entreprise RGE de construction bois, renovation, isolation par l'exterieur en limousin

Platelage chemin de découverte mélèze et douglas de la tourbière Négarioux -Malsagnes Peyrelevade en Corrèze aménagement paysager sur site espaces protégés Natura 2000,ZSC zone humide CREN

Eco construction passive bois mélèze et douglas local du limousin

Our company policy is to engagee in projects within a radius of 60 km of the town of Faux la Montagne en Creuse (23).
How to start your project?
Call us for an appointment to come & meet a member of our construction team
Discuss your initial ideas, sketches, specifications or plans
Working with your wishes & constraints we provide the expertise to formulate your project
We will provide a quote & initial designs & timeline for your project
Upon agreeing to our quote work will begin on your future home
Ambiance Bois in Limousin is an approved RGE Eco Artisan company (allowing you to benefit from certain aids for your work, click here for more information). We are certifed installers of Velux skylights & sun pipes.