Our Larch timber decking is sourced exclusively from locally grown timber. Intended for exterior use the heartwood conforms to the tolerance of 10% sapwood specified in the Annexes to DTU 31.2. Whilst you may find some traces of sapwood in individual pieces we make every effort to ensure this is strictly minimal.

This product is kiln dried to 12% for use in a normal domestic environment. Decking is available in one quality STANDARD only.
WIDTH: 120 mm
LENGTHS: The mixed lengths available are 1m, 1.20m, 1.60m, 2m, 2.40m and 2.50m.
WEIGHT: 11 kg / m²
For interior use or more sheltered locations (covered veranda, summer house, potting shed) & to reduce costs please enquire about decking timber with some sapwood.

Installing the deck boards: Attaching the deck boards is done with two 60 mm stainless steel nails (or stainless steel screws) at each joist. Budget for 42 points per m². Respect a spacing of approximately 10 mm between each blade.
Ambiance Bois can provide Douglas fir heartwood timber rough sawn in 53 x 60 mm or machine planed in 45 x 50 mm as a support for your decking You will require approximtely one 2.50m per m² of terrace, with a spacing of 40 to 45cm. Since the support joists are difficult replace we further recommended a class 3 treatment (copper and quaternary ammonium under vacuum).